Growing Young – How Friendship, Optimism and Kindness can help you live to 100, written by Marta Zaraska
This thought is from the book Growing Young – How Friendship, Optimism, and Kindness can help you live to 100, written by Marta Zaraska. We all know the importance of eating well and incorporating movement in our day.
We want to include healthy whole superfoods in our eating plans, but not to the expense of everything else.
The biggest investment we can make is building connection with others and discovering those beautiful ways to give back and enrich the lives of others.
Author Marta Zaraska takes us on a journey and shares many stories throughout the book.
Caring for others, contributing to the community, and living meaningfully help us reach old age, stave off disease and make us happy all at the same time. Marta Zaraska
Some highlights:
- Giving back and making a difference in the lives of others helps to reduce our levels of cortisol
- Incorporate greater deep breathing and meditation to help with managing your pain and to be more mindful. This is a beautiful way to activate your vagus nerve which is key to living your best life.
- Be present in your relationships, and stop multitasking. This is extremely hard on your brain.
- Connect with your neighbours.
- Manage your stress to find greater harmony in all you do.
- Most important, be kinder to yourself around the choices in the food you are eating.
- Listen to your body. Fuel your body with what it needs.
- If you are going to supplement choose the best supplements you can afford only as needed.
It is time we recognize that improving our social lives and cultivating our minds can be at least as important for health and longevity as are diet and exercise. Marta Zaraska
I really enjoyed how the author brings the book to a close.
“To Michael Pollan’s famous statement, Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.
I would add: Be social, care for others, enjoy life”
This was a lovely book and would be a beautiful partner read with Together written by Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, MD and Successful Aging, written by Daniel J. Levitin.
Look for those beautiful windows to connect with others and give back enriching the lives of others. These are some of the greatest investments you can make in yourself.
Be kind. Be patient. Take good care.
Be nourished in all you do.
At The Nourished Executive we coach business professionals and share strategies to invest in wellbeing, manage stress and prevent burnout. Our founder, Sharon K. Summerfield, is a holistic nutritionist and certified breath coach, with an extensive business background. We have a strong commitment to giving back, investing in local community creating space for all students to consider careers in construction, science, technology, engineering and math
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